Social media can be time consuming and overwhelming.
The key to getting a return on your social media investment is to begin with a plan with an innovative strategy, and build a community from there. When developing your plan R&A will do the necessary research to keep you ahead of the game. Staying informed and up to date on new trends and products is our specialty, our team will cover all of your bases before starting out with the construction of your plan. Analyzing your target market is how we will start to determine which social media channels will be most effective, we will put you where your people are!
Having your social media monitored daily is invaluable.
Reviewing and responding to your audience will help you build a relationship. People want a brand they can trust and develop a relationship; your brand has to be willing to connect with your audience to build lasting customers/clients. Monitoring comments and reactions of a great way to improve your customer service and know what your audience is looking for. When developing a plan its important to give your readers a call to action, something to make them act now! Our associates can work with your team to deliver engaging incentives while working within the company’s budget.
We can manage your social media so you won’t have to.
Our writers can make sure your message is heard while connecting you with your target audience and creating relationships that will covert into clients/customers.
Richardson & Associates will work with your team to set objectives that are specific and measureable to ensure success and improve the evaluation. Creativity is key when developing a unique strategy. At R&A we work to find engaging content and thrive on developing new tactics to take you to the next level!
Our recipe for Social Media
Social Media Management Benefits
· Professional management
· Scheduled content
· New content produced daily
· Graphic design catered to all social
media platforms
· Working with a planned out course of action
· 24/7 social media monitoring
· Saves time and funds
· Produces better results